
How to find us

Reykjarfjörður is in Árneshreppur, north of Veiðileysfjörður and south of Trékyllisvík. There are or have been three small villages by the fjord; Kúvíkur, which was a trading post in earlier centuries, is on the southern side of the fjord.Djúpavík with the herring factory is inside the fjord. At the far end of the fjord on the north side is Gjögur, which was an important shark station in the 19th century. In 1934, work began on the construction of a herring factory in Djúpavík, and just over a year later, on July 7, 1935, both herring meal and fish oil began to be produced. The fishing was very good and the factory was grinding gold. When the herring factory was completed, it was by far the largest concrete building in Iceland. To this day, it is huge, 90 meters long on 3 floors. A strong tourism business is run in Djúpavík, but in 1985 the married couple Eva Sigurbjörnsdóttir and Ásbjörn Þorgilsson moved to Djúpavík with their three children. They saw that there were a lot of tourists in the area, so they got the idea to open a hotel. They therefore soon set about renovating the old "women's brag" and turning it into a hotel. The house was built in the 30s of the last century for women who worked on the salting floor when salting herring. It didn't go without conflict, but persistence and will kept them going. In the old herring factory, there is a historical exhibition about the time of herring processing, but part of the factory is also used for art exhibitions. Strong art activities in the factory and ambitious historical exhibitions in the factory and the tank rhyme very well and offer great potential for future development. It can be said that the whole old herring factory will have a new role and will be restarted.More information here: https://djupavik.is/en/hvernig-kemstu-til-okkar/

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